Can Tongue Ties Grow Back? Tongue Tie FAQs

At Colorado Tongue Tie, we specialize in frenectomies, and treating patients of all ages who suffer from this common condition. But when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of tongue ties, our patients often have many questions.

Can tongue ties grow back? How are they treated? What should I do if I think my baby has a tongue tie? Here are a few answers to some common questions we hear from our patients:

What Are Tongue Ties?

Tongue ties (ankyloglossia) and lip ties are collectively referred to as Tethered Oral Tissues. This refers to a congenital anomaly that decreases the mobility of the tongue, usually due to a thick lingual frenulum.

The lingual frenulum is the part of the underside of your tongue that connects your tongue to the floor of your mouth. If you open your mouth and stick your tongue up, you can see it running down the middle. If the frenulum is excessively thick or small, tongue mobility may be decreased, which can lead to a variety of issues that affect oral funtions.

What Are Some Signs And Symptoms Of Tongue Ties?

Tongue ties often lead to difficulty breastfeeding, as children are unable to properly nurse. Difficulty lifting the tongue is often noted, and speech may be affected, if a child is old enough to talk. If your child cannot stick their tongue out past their lower front teeth, or has trouble moving it from side to side, they may have a tongue tie. A consultation with Dr. Jesse can give you the answers you’ve been looking for and a solution for many problems related to oral issues.

Are Tongue Ties Serious?

Yes. Tongue ties affect speech, comfort, and the ability to properly breastfeed. It also affects oral hygiene, because a tongue tie can make it more difficult to remove food debris from the teeth and tongue. If left untreated, teens and adults can develop sleep apnea, suffer from frequent migraines, and constant neck and back pain.

How Should Tongue Ties Be Treated?

Tongue ties can be treated with a simple procedure known as a frenotomy. At Colorado Tongue Tie, perform our frenectomies using a cold laser, which minimizes discomfort and speeds up recovery time. Dr. Jesse will snip the frenulum, releasing the tissue and allowing the tongue to move freely. A frenectomy is a fast, simple, and painless procedure with life-changing results.

Can Tongue Ties Grow Back?

Tongue ties don’t “grow back”, but they may reattach if you aren’t diligent about keeping up with post-surgery exercises. The main risk of a frenectomy is that the mouth will heal very quickly and the tissue may prematurely reattach at either the tongue or lip site, causing a new limitation in mobility and the persistence or return of symptoms.

Come In For A Consultation Today!

If you or your child has symptoms of a tongue or lip tie, the best course of action is to see an expert like Dr. Jesse as soon as possible for a diagnosis. We can provide painless, fast treatment for tongue and lip ties, and we’ll monitor the success of your treatment while you heal.

Contact us at (720) 507-0077, or drop by our office at 4704 Harlan Street, Denver, CO 80212.

Healthy Tongues, Healthy Lives

At Colorado Tongue Tie, our goal is to support the well-being of families by addressing restricted oral tissues (ROTs). We cater to patients across all ages, from infants to adults, with an understanding of the diverse needs at each life stage. Our treatments, utilizing cool laser technology, are designed to be as efficient and comfortable as possible. We're dedicated to providing a caring environment, recognizing that each patient's journey towards better oral health is unique.